Publication – New "Eco-Guide" for Hospitality Businesses!
On World Environment Day 2018, the 5th of June, Asset H&C in collaboration with EXO Foundation & EXO Travel has launched a new Eco-Guide for hospitality businesses and school.
ASSET (Association of Southeast Asian Social Enterprises for Training in Hospitality & Catering) is a network that brings together vocational training centers willing to work hand in hand to better fulfil their common social mission: bringing positive change in the lives of vulnerable youths by teaching them trades that will allow them to successfully integrate into society.
The new Eco-Guide provides practical, ready to use solutions for both hospitality businesses and training schools.
The guide is available as a free PDF, share it among EXO suppliers in order to promote responsible tourism development in all our destinations. Click here to get the Eco-Guide. The guide contains many concrete examples and solutions for hospitality businesses.
- What lighting is the best to save energy?
- What AC is the most environmentally friendly, and saves costs at the same time?
- How to save water in the housekeeping sector?
- How to avoid soil and water pollution?
- How can I compost my food waste?
And many more questions get answered!