Spreading best practices across Asia..
Laos – Plastic free workshop
Did you know that an estimated amount of 100 million disposable water bottles are consumed by travelers in Laos every year? And most of them are not recycled! Nia & Tien from EXO teams were invited by GIZ (German cooperation office) and the Luang Prabang Handle with Care Project to give a training to several DMCs and transport companies on how to reduce plastic waste within tourism operations. They were able to fill a whole day with our initiatives: plastic free offices, training for staff and guides and of course, the refillable bottle project.
The tourism industry in Luang Prabang is leading a campaign to reduce single-use plastic water bottles: Many hotels and tour operators, restaurants and cafes, museums and other businesses in the town center offer now safe drinking water refill stations, also the EXO Office!
Thailand – Sustainability training for hotels
As a Travelife certified DMC, EXO Travel ensures that it stays true to its core value “we aim to be responsible” and encourages its supply chain on the path of responsible tourism. Thus, EXO Travel has joined hands with Travelife to invite its partner hotels to the “Travelife Hotels and Accommodations training seminar in Bangkok” hold on Wednesday 25th April. This training enabled hotels to learn more about how to create a positive impact on our destinations and local communities. As well, it provided information on Travelife membership benefits, the certification process, how major outbound UK & European tour operators use Travelife as a tool to achieve their sustainability goals and what hotel can expect from a Travelife audit.
Cambodia – Loving nature & birds!
In March 2018, EXO Travel Cambodia joined the first Cambodian Bird Fair in Phnom Penh to share its knowledge and insights on bird watching in Cambodia. In the shade of century trees, nature lovers and birdwatchers came to the iconic Wat Phnom to share their passion and best spots to approach rare species in the whole South East Asia.
Co-organized by the Ministry of Environment, the event has entertained a lot of young students running after birds’ name to win their quiz while tourists were surrounded by photographers capturing some pictures of the birds in the park. A great occasion to highlight the unknown diversity of birds’ breed present in Cambodia and endangered species as the Sarus Crane, mainly visible in Cambodia.