Improving Cambodia’s Society through Skillful Parenting (ICS-SP) is a national non-profit organization, officially registered with Cambodian Ministry of Interior in July 2015. ICS-SP aims to improve family lives that have a significant impact on the well being of children and women. At the core of ICS-SP approach is Skillful Parenting program to reduce and prevent violence against children and to promote appropriate parenting for each age, they work mostly with parents and caregivers. One of their goal is also to strengthen families and communities by influencing the government, civil society and private sector towards better policies and practice to fulfil the protection of children.
What do they do?
ICS developed 9 modules for Skillful Parenting delivered directly to parents/caregivers, to empower vulnerable parents/caregivers in raising-up their children through and to build a non-violent environment for children and women.
Their objective is to become a recognized training agency providing training to other organizations or institutions to incorporate skillful parenting in their programs. International development agencies, local civil society and government agencies will pay a training fee for their staff to be trained as facilitators on skillful parenting. ICS-SP chooses to structure this activity as a Social Business as this will allow ICS-SP to reach out to a large number of parents and caregivers in different parts and segments of Cambodian society in a financially sustainable way.
ICS provides a platform for stakeholders from different entities both local and international to share their work experiences, documentations, results, good practice, on parenting program in a widen, and enrich national understanding of parenting in Cambodia. This will be in cooperation with Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), which included research assignment on parenting and monitoring.
How can you help
- A lot of vulnerable parents and caregivers need to be empowered in a positive parenting practice to make sure that their children live in a safe and non-violent environment.
- US$80 = The cost ICS-SP needs per parent to equip him/her with knowledge and skills on positive parenting.
- ICS-SP also needs to produce educational materials such as poster, flipbook, leaflet to conduct further awareness raising for parents and caregivers.
- US$10,000 are needed for developing and printing those materials to reach about 400 vulnerable parents and caregivers.
- US$300 to train a para-professional facilitator to be qualified on Skillful Parenting in order to reach larger number of parents and caregivers in different parts and segments of Cambodian society in a financially sustainable way.
EXO Foundation Support
EXO Foundation loves ICS -SP purpose and objectives as completely in line with our views and values about children care, as well as our campaign against children centers visits by tourists as a charity activity. It is so wonderful such an organisation was created and is strongly backed up by the government of Cambodia who has committed to reduce by 30% the number of residential care centres (orphanage or alikes) by 2018, and to close down right away those which do not follow the minimum standards set up by the government.