Ah Lett Chaung village is located on the opposite side of the Yangon River 45mn from Yangon city. The village is low-lying and during Cyclone Nargis suffered great damage leaving many families homeless. GeoPlan, a German tour operator initiated the clinic project together with EXO Foundation and they leveraged a staggering US$ 20,000 between 2008 and 2011 directly from their travelers.
What did we do?
Since 2011, the EXO Foundation has taken over and covers now salaries for the doctor, nurse, and security guard. An EXO representative visits Ah Lett Chaung on a regular basis and oversees the spending and allocations of funds and donations.
In August 2019, despite the global pandemic and thanks to the generous donation of travelers from Belgium, Mrs & Mr Vanbeselaere, we were able to build a water plant next to the Ah lett Chaung Clinic. This enables villagers to have an easy and free access to safe drinking water!
In the past, the entire village was drinking water from the pond, which caused many diseases that the doctor from our clinic had to treat. Now, everyone can drink the purified water filtered by our R.O + UV System Water Purifier. It’s a real improvement of people’s well being and sanitary conditions. We keep on supporting the water plant for regular maintenance and salary of the staff taking care of the water plant. This project is very successful and we now have the sufficient knowledge to duplicate it in other areas where it would be needed.
How can you help?
There are many more villages needing access to clean drinking water. We have recently identified a village in the south of Yangon lying down beside a river. It can be reached by car or boat. This village counts more than 6,000 people with around 700 households and its inhabitants drink and use only water from the local pond. The community is in dire need of clean drinking water. We are currently looking for new donors to be able this realize this new much needed project
$12,000 are needed to provide 1,500 gallons of water per day!