How to Help Efficiently?
Example of an excellent CSR activity
ENJO an Austrian company which has developed a 100% free chemicals and environmentally friendly cleaning system has consulted EXO Thailand to organise a CSR charitable action during their 5 days seminar due to take place in Koh Samui in January 2015.
Among the various projects we recommended to them, they selected the wonderful and inspiring Gift of Happiness Foundation; created by the clown Edward. Traveling around Thailand they provide simple, interactive, educational comedy shows to children in orphanages, crisis centres for women and street children, Bangkok slums, AIDS centres and homes/schools for physically & mentally challenged children. Aside giving them happiness and opening their minds The Foundation gives children and their families basic necessities like clothing, bedding, medical supplies, educational equipment, agricultural tools and tons more useful goods to those in need.
EXO Travel faithful to its active contribution to the campaign ‘ Children are not tourist attractions’ has adopted the policy not to bring any adult tourist in compounds (schools, orphanages, hospitals, care center) where children are under 10 years old. Aside from the fact that such visits and interactions are strictly forbidden in Western countries to protect children, EXO is not willing to contribute to any form of tourism which could be interpreted as some kind of unintentional voyeurism or showcase of misery and transforming children in actors.
Many do not easily understand this policy as most people feeling they are only willing to do well are not aware of the issues at stake and that good intentions are not always a guarantee.
ENJO deserves a big applause as they brightly and generously considered their priority was to fulfil the children needs rather than seeking their direct recognition or any emotional interaction with them. First they’ve made a donation of 1,150$ before they even travel to Thailand. Prior to their seminar they communicate to all on their social medias and corporate communications about Gift of Happiness project and their donation, then during the 5 days seminar called ‘Pure Happiness’ – a perfect match – they will introduce the project in details and organise an auction with all profits accruing to the Gif of Happiness Foundation.
Their first donation allowed to purchase 110 uniforms which were distributed in September Mae Sot in Northern Thailand. The children living in Burmese migrant camps received the uniforms just on time before they sit for their exams at the end of September, and the new term started in October. To know more about this information see here.
One of the main role of the EXO Foundation is to advise EXO Travel and its clients on how to help efficiently.
At the EXO Foundation we believe that Arts and entertainment allow disadvantaged people struggling on a daily basis to get a healthy break off hardships, to open their heart and mind to new horizons. For this reason we are real keen to promote Gift of Happiness Foundation to EXO customers and travelers worldwide.
Moreover in this case, the EXO Foundation also advised Gift of Happiness to select a garment factory which applies ethical principles in their factory, which they did and consequently change suppliers to one Edward inspected personnally ; ‘I inspected the factory and found all the Thai staff to be happy and contented workers earning at least the national minimum wage and working in good conditions. In short…a very happy little company doing a great job.’ This operation allows thus to develop an excellent and rewarding CSR program for ENJO company , to dress up 110 children with bright clean uniforms they are so proud of, as well as to support a business applying ethical principles.