This organization based on the Libaran island in Malaysia aims to protect endangered sea turtles and to educate both locals and travelers on the importance of marine conservation.
What do they do?
The main objectives of FOSTER are to operate a sea turtle hatchery on Libaran island, to educate the public and to create awareness to the challengers sea turtles face towards their survival. The organization has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed with the Sabah Wildlife Department, a turtle conservation program has been set up at Libaran Island.
The program includes creating awareness for the locals and visitors on the conservation value of sea turtles, undertaking research projects with the goal of better understanding the life cycle of sea turtles of Libaran Island & to make available research programmes on sea turtle for international & local students. To take care the conservation area, FOSTER is paying the villagers to clean up Libaran shore line and for every plastic bottles collected by them.
EXO Foundation support
In 2018, EXO Malaysia team has adopted an 100 meter area of land on Libaran island where turtles lay their eggs.