Greener Tomorrow… 84,000 Trees for Thailand
Since 2010, in Chaiyaphum province (Northeast Thailand) a team of committed, energetic Buddhist Monks, local Thai community members and friends from further afield are sharing their time and energy to create a green, serene space for contemplation, meditation and forest conservation. So far the Greener Tomorrow team have reached half their goals with 40,000 trees planted.
In Thailand, planting on sacred grounds is a highly effective way of protecting forest. In fact, performing Buddhist ordination ceremonies for trees and areas of forest is a common cultural practice and a successful way of protecting trees in Thailand. Beyond tree planting, the team is working hard and consistently throughout the year to nurture the newly planted trees to survive during the first 5 years of their lives.
On 12th August, 2013, a Big Tree Plant was organised. The fundraising goal for this event is to raise 150,000 Thai Baht – $5,000 USD, which will be used to improve the irrigation system for the trees which have already been planted. The EXO foundation donated $500 USD, which will be used to buy land where trees are being planted, and contribute towards the new irrigation system.10 0% of donations go to support the project. Funds are being raised to buy disused land to plant more trees, organic fertilizer and develop a solar-powered irrigation system to care for the trees in hilly areas. Most tree saplings are actually donated.