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  1. Stephen Kelly
    31/01/2014 @ 2:37 pm

    I am the community manager/owner of a small charity in England, could I pay a visit to Trung Tam Ung Buu Hospital, I will be in Ho-Chi-Minh in July 2014
    I have some clothes, toys(small), in fact 4 25kilo fedex boxes full
    Tiwala,runs some events to raise funds and would love to run some for this hospital


    • EXO Foundation
      11/02/2014 @ 4:42 am

      Dear Sir
      First I would like to thank you for your generous intention, but unfortunately your offer is not implementable neither recommended for various reasons,
      1. the hospital is not a site you can come in even with good intention and especially as a foreigner you are not supposed to visit kids you don’t know.
      2. Vietnamese are quite reluctant for these kind of things; and are also very strict whenever there is a religious connotation to your action.
      3. sending 425 kilos of goods may be costly as well as very complicated to get through the customs. It is much better in any case to purchase local products for local people instead of shipping or flying (with high contribution to carbon emission) such heavy loads when I am sure you can find children in need in your home country who would be very happy to get these.
      4. We only give to organizations according to their own requests not what tourists think would be good for them: it is a basic rule of ours.
      If you wish to help these children in particular we recommend you make a donation through the foundation website at this page we guarantee 100% of all donations are handed out to chosen projects and duly reported in our medias. Or you can choose among one of the projects we promote on our website which are reliable and in need, please note that as members of ChildSafe network, we discourage any visit of children center (school, orphanages, shelters, etc.) when below 12 years old for security and dignity.
      We hope you understand. I will be happy to assist you further helping in the right and most disinterested efficient way so that your generosity truly helps people in need.


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