EXO Travel 1st ChildSafe certified company worldwide
EXO Travel is proud to be the first tour operator to be ChildSafe Certified.
The ChildSafe Movement is a global movement protecting children from all forms of abuse. It both implements and advocates for child protection policies and practices by giving the opportunity to everyone to take action.
EXO Travel now have 310 guides and around 150 staff fully trained to provide a ChildSafe tourism experience for all travelers. Besides implementing a Child Safe Policy and Code of Conduct in our daily business, we also ensure that our services are not only child-friendly and protective, but also answering the needs of the community, parents and youth. Part of our commitment includes a ban of school visits and orphanages, following the campaign, ‘Children are not tourist attractions’.
The tourism industry represents a key role in protecting children globally and we hope a lot more companies to join the certification in the very near future. To know more consult our page Make a difference and visit Friends International website.
2016 - Reviewing A Year With Friends - Friends-International Blog
31/12/2016 @ 10:03 am
[…] – EXO foundation became the first ChildSafe certified global tour operator, and 3PC were out and about training in communities across Cambodia – we […]