Clean-up initiative in Mrauk U
As a responsible tour operator Exotissimo is not only talking about making efforts, but is actually taking initiative. Treading lightly and preserving our natural environment is part of Exo’s philosophy and also wholeheartedly embraced by all employees. Every now and then our teams arrange donations or small events to help creating a better environment for all of us to live in.
A great example for this is the recently organized clean-up initiative of our team in the Myanmar office. The clean-up was part of a staff outing, organized on an annual basis to include activities for the upkeeping of an intact natural and cultural environment. The setting for the clean-up day was Mrauk U, a town in northern Rakhine state, on the day of Kasone Festival (the full moon of Kasone).
The team had chosen this day as it is usually quite busy, with many people around to observe them. The clean-up action went on for about an hour as the 15 participants walked along the main road, past the food stalls and other areas. The locals were very curious and many adults approached the group to ask what they were doing and for what reason. When the team explained the purpose of what they were doing the reaction was one of understanding but also impressed that a group of visitors would take the initiative to clean up. The team was then approached by some locals who thanked them for their efforts and promised to follow their example.
At the end, the team was happy to see that they were actually able to have an impact; informing the locals about the necessity to keep a place clean – to create a nicer and healthier environment for themselves and visitors alike. The conclusion that was obvious to all participants was that we can make a difference even if it is just in one hour. Following up on the positive feedback EXO is now working on organizing a similar event at a larger scale in Yangon together with other individuals and companies involved in responsible tourism.
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